Poetry by Gigi Guizado

Salsa y reggaeton went silent
No soundtrack to my dreams

Don’t know what it means…
My soul was lonely

I surfed
and thought moonlight becomes you

drawing me closer
as if I were the tide

You have trouble sleeping too
Don’t know why…

Sometimes you make my heart sing anew
like light sparkles on the water

Or hips, feet, arms entwine
keeping time on the dance floor

Don’t see you much anymore
in and out like the radio

on a country road

Your rhythm stays with me
like the shore recalls the sea

Moonbeams shine on all things
solid, liquid, no matter the distance

More faithful than sound
face in the sky sings his silent lullaby

Sandy-eyed memories rock me to sleep
Dreams are the drumbeat of motivation

Gigi Guizado is an actor, writer, and theatre translator based in Las Vegas. Her micro-plays have had productions or staged readings in San Francisco, Las Vegas, and London, UK. Her poetry and translations have been published by Adelaide Literary Magazine, Another Chicago Magazine, and Asymptote Journal.