Poetry by Sharon Scholl
rises reluctantly through ground mist,
travels on the fringe of the horizon,
sinks into a cloak of early dusk.
I find the last of it in a tiny pool
and savor its remains reduced
from August lake to dim reflection.
Leaves enough remain to catch its light
and send their shadows dancing
with a scatter of dry weeds.
Lingering squashes dangle on shrinking
vines while single pumpkins sit deserted
in a field of empty furrows.
This is the season of farewells
to spring wonders worn and drab,
to the past that fades in memory.
Sharon Scholl is a retired college professor (humanities) who convenes a poetry critique group and maintains a website (freeprintmusic.com) that donates music to small, liberal churches. Her poetry chapbooks, Seasons, Remains, Evensong, are available via Amazon Books. Her poems are current in Third Wednesday and Panoplyzine.