Poetry by Sarah E N Kohrs
Beyond is the light-gray world
poised with clouds that linger
but my eyes settle not on those.
Instead, I see a brown moth flicker
against the screen-less window
where a trillion droplets
settle like stars. Those wings
move in such succession, my
heart seems to speed up, too.
I raise a hand, palm ready
for comforting, providing
relief, hope, even.
But the window doesn’t open
and the rain drips in dirges.
Sarah E N Kohrs is an artist and writer, with over 80 journal publications in poetry and photography. She has a teaching license, endorsed in Latin and Visual Arts, homeschools, and creates with clay in her pottery studio. SENK lives in Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, kindling hope amidst asperity. http://senkohrs.com.