An Online Literary Journal for Poetry and Flash

Tag: freedom

Tabula Rasa

Poetry by Jennie Meyer

The beach a sheet
of untouched morning snow—
the sweeping tide a distant rumble.

My scuffing footprints
as I draft this new poem in steaming breaths—
the first and only brushstrokes.

Not a soul on the beach— no bird, no human,
no dog, not even a fowl’s fork-print embossed.

An empty canvas, free of life’s clamber.

Only one white car parked on Atlantic Ave.
One song sparrow singing like its spring
from some snow-filled limb.

One black mussel reaching out
from beneath the white sheet.

One seagull lifting off from tidal stream,
landing on the blanketed beach, mirroring
its purity with her white sloping belly,

painting it, Pollok-like, with one blast of scat.
Each of us engaged in her craft.

Jennie Meyer’s poetry has appeared in two print anthologies and numerous print and online publications. She is a 2024 finalist for Cathexis Northwest Press: Unpublished Author Chapbook contest, a 2023 winner of Beyond Words: The End of the World Creative Writing Challenge and a 2022 grant recipient from Discover Gloucester.

hi tech goodbye tech

Poetry by Victor Pearn

in the post office
everyone standing in line
was looking at their phone
on the bike path
walking or running
everybody is connected
and on the internet
and paying a lot of money
Id rather be free

Victor Pearn poet-in-residence at Quincy University, and now lives in Fort Collins, Colorado. BA University of Illinois, Springfield, MA University of Colorado, work appears in 200 magazines: Caribbean Writer, Chiron Review, Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Midwest Quarterly, Mind Matters Review, Negative Capability, Seventh Quarry. Awards: 1984 Colorado University Poetry Contest.

before the sky

Poetry by Ken Cathers

you sit on the handlebars
I’ll pedal like crazy

we’ll be a great fabled bird
on a dirt road journey

hang onto the wind
my little one, hang on

nothing can
catch us now

we will be home
long before

the sky can open
and crush our joy
          with thunder

Ken Cathers lives on Vancouver Island off the west coast of Canada and has spent much of his life working in the forest industry. He has been writing for several decades and has seven books of poetry. Several poems have appeared in Impspired (England) and the MacGuffin (U.S.).

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