Poetry by Melissa Donati-Pizirusso

I am a helium filled balloon
Released from the hands
Of a little girl
Staring in wonder at the sky

A balloon that floats freely
Into the wind
Caught in branches
Waiting for the next breeze to set me free

Descending then to the ground
And then picked up
By another breeze
Sending me to low points and then high
Sweeping at the ground
Then dropping
Into a foliage of leaves
Waiting to be lifted again

By a breeze
That may never come
Or one that may bring me even lower

Until once again
I am picked up
by the hands of a child
that holds me like a treasure
to their chest.

Melissa Donati-Pizirusso is a Mom, Writer, and Assistant Principal. Her love of writing and poetry goes back to when she was a child writing numerous stories and poems on a daily basis. She is a graduate of SUNY Albany where she studied Sociology, Italian and Journalism.