Poetry by Suzy Harris

They say we have not seen this high-piled snow
for more than thirty years. For three days now,
few cars snow-crush silently down the roads,
and walkers teeter on ice-crusted sidewalks.

Just yesterday, as I walked past a bus stop,
the woman in front of me fell thud-hard.
Another passerby and I reached our hands
to her, hefted her back up, handed her
her glasses clattered under the bench.

I knew her – not the falling woman,
but the other – and after, we stood together
under the snow-blue sky, exchanging a few words
before setting off, she to the bus,
me walking toward home,
imagining myself pillow-padded,
light as breath-puffs, balancing on air.

Suzy Harris is the author of the 2023 chapbook Listening in the Dark about living with hearing loss and learning to hear again with cochlear implants. She has served as a poetry editor for The Timberline Review and several of her poems have won recognition from the Oregon Poetry Association.