Poetry by Marianne Brems

It’s an ordinary day,
nothing to celebrate.
She puts on
just the right hat,
at just the right angle,
not for warmth
or to protect from sun,
one to blend perfectly
with the afternoon light
in a room
where heads might turn,
not too quickly,
not all at once.
No scarf over her shoulder,
no pearls around her neck,
just a hat,
not too new,
not too old,
a style seen occasionally,
but not too often.

Marianne Brems’ two poetry chapbooks are Sliver of Change (Finishing Line Press, 2020) and Unsung Offerings (Finishing Line Press, 2021). Her poems have also appeared in literary journals including Nightingale & Sparrow, The Sunlight Press, The Lake, and Green Ink Poetry. She lives and cycles in Northern California. Website: www.mariannebrems.com.